Village Council

The legislative authority of the Sheffield Village rests in its six (6) members of council. Most powers and duties of the village council are set forth in Ohio Revised Code 705, 731, and 733.

Our council consists of six (6) electors who must reside in Sheffield Village for one (1) year preceding their election. Council members are elected for terms of four (4) years.

Council meets every second and fourth Monday of the month (excluding the month of August). All meetings are open to the public. Special meetings may be called by any three (3) Council members or by the Mayor, with at least twelve (12) hours notice to each member. Council acts only at authorized meetings and according to authorized rules (see Council Rules).

Council acts through ordinances and resolutions. The distinction between the two is not always clear. An ordinance is generally required for more permanent and formal matters and usually requires publication.

Ordinances and resolutions shall be read by title only, on three days, unless a full reading is voted for by a majority, or reading is dispensed with by a vote of three-fourths of Council. Voting on passage shall be taken by yeas and nays and journalized. Passage requires at least a majority vote. Action not requiring an ordinance or resolution may be taken by a majority of members present (ORC 731.17).

Sheffield Village is currently served by these Council Members:

Matthew BlissCouncilman Matthew Bliss
Council Member
First Elected 2010
Term Expires 12/31/2025
Contact Number: (440) 934-0333

Councilman Daniel Forror

Daniel Forror
Council Member
First Appointed 2019
Term Expires 12/31/2025
Contact Number: (440) 522-1133 


Joe KosterJoe Koster
Council Member
First Appointed 2014
Term Expires 12/31/2025
Contact Number:  (440) 213-1597


     Bob Markovich
     Council Pro Tem
     First Appointed 2011
     Term Expires 12/31/2023
     Contact Number:  (440) 242-8502  


Kevin WatkinsonKevin Watkinson
Council Member
First Elected 2000
Term Expires 12/31/2023
Contact Number:  (440) 242-9558

Councilman Robert Yarber JrRobert Yarber Jr.
Council Member
First Appointed 2019  
Term Expires 12/31/2025
Contact Number: (440) 309-8870


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